We hope you will join us for a game of bridge.
Monday game at 6:30 PM (online)
Friday game at 12:30 PM
Please arrive at least 15 minutes
before game time for proper
stratification and table assignments.

Games Sanctioned By
Marion, Ohio
Due to the coronavirus our in-person Monday Club game is canceled until further notice.
Check back for updates.
Stay safe, stay well!
Play bridge online with us. See the information below.
Let's Play Some Bridge!!!
Thanks to Roger Saul of Bellefontaine for setting up a joint online game with the Bellefontaine (LCBC), Marion, and Lima Clubs. Our virtual LCBC/Lima/Marion duplicate BBO bridge will start on Monday evenings @ 6:30 pm, with a second game on Thursday evenings also @ 6:30 pm. Note: You will need to register for each game beginning at 4:30pm - See the instructions below. Be sure to read the section on Alerts below. These games earn black masterpoints for ACBL members.
NOTE: PLEASE make sure to register for the game and be logged into BBO 10 minutes prior to 6:30. Cutting it closer could jeopardize your getting into the game if there’s a last-minute snag. There’s no going back once BBO launches the game.
Here are Roger's instructions on how to join the game at BridgeBaseOnline.com :
Establish your BBO account and add BB$ via credit card. See Getting Started and Additional Information below.
The cost of the games will be $3. This is a minimum set by BBO/ACBL to cover their costs.
It’s strongly encouraged that you use a credit card rather than iPad, Android $, or other similar forms since they add a 20% surcharge.
I’m told the minimum amount you can load into BB$ is $20.
Log into your BBO account.
At the login page, DO NOT click the “invisible” box!
Register for the game
At least the first 1-2 times, I’d suggest that you and your partner login to register about 1½ hours or so prior to game time.
Registration begins 2 hours prior to the game.
Registering early these first few times provides time to work out any snags and get you registered prior to game time.
Primary reasons for snags are:
No BB$
Partner not online (Both must be online. One registers and the other will accept the game invitation.)
Clicked “Invisible” at the login
Not in the LCBC/Lima/Marion BBO database (this can be remedied by the Director if done early)
Registration details (snapshots are in the attached pdf):
From the Bridge Base Online Home page, Click on “Virtual Clubs” under Featured Areas
Click on “ACBL - North America”
Search for VACB249011 (or LCBC, Lima, Marion)
Click on the game
One partner enters the BBO username of his/her partner
If you’re very benevolent, you can pay for both you and your partner!
Partner must also be online and then accept the game invitation
You will get a pop-up message that tournament registration was successful (or not)
If not, call/text me so I can try to resolve. (See below under Problem/Questions.)
Make sure you’re logged into BBO by 6:30. Once the game starts there's no way to seat latecomers.
The hands will appear on your BBO screen.
We’ll likely be playing 18 boards; 3 boards/round; timed 7 minutes/board
Play bridge!!
Results will automatically appear shorty after the last table finishes
Results can also be found on the BBO “History” tab
There are three ways to get a partner for our LCBC/Lima/Marion BBO games.
1 Get your own! This is the preferred and safest way.
You and your partner should have physically played at LCBC, Lima or Marion in the past 12 months. ACBL/BBO is trying to prevent poaching or pirating of members by clubs.
Exceptions can be made, but generally ACBL/BBO will need to approve addition of others to this VACB249011 game.
2. Carol Parker, Pat Pua and Ruth Odenweller have volunteered to coordinate across the three clubs if there are persons who want to play but haven’t been able to find a partner. Contact them by noon on game day and they will coordinate with each other to see if there is someone else needing a partner. Carol, Pat and Ruth can be reached at:
Carol Parker
Email: cdparker64@gmail.com <mailto:cdparker64@gmail.com>
Phone: 937-843-3043
Pat Pua
Email: p.l.pua@roadrunner.com <mailto:p.l.pua@roadrunner.com>
Text: 330-581-3190 *
Ruth Odenweller
Email: 07bridge@gmail.com <mailto:07bridge@gmail.com>
Text: 419-303-4940 *
* Preferred contact
3. Go to the Tournament registration game when it opens about 4:35, and click on the “Partnership Desk” tab.
If someone else also goes to the Partnership Desk, you can be paired.
No guarantee that someone else will need a parter and, therefore, that you’ll be able to play.
No guarantee regarding the experience level of the partners.
Text/call Roger Saul at 937-599-4806, or email at lcbc.rsaul@gmail.com
I hope that we can have a great turnout for these games. It looks like this will be the only game in town until late summer, or probably longer. I think that those of us who’ve been playing casual and/or tournament BBO games have enjoyed them very much. The social interaction and hospitality time is missed, but the games are fun and over in about 2 hours. And you can play in your pajamas if you want! Hopefully you’ll also enjoy it and encourage our other members to get into it.
BBO alerts differ in that you alert your own bids (rather than partner). In the bidding window, click the Alert button when placing your bid and provide a short explanation. E.g., “Transfer,” “Bergen raise,” etc. This will be seen by your opponents but NOT your partner.
If you want an explanation of your opponent’s bid, click on their bid in the bidding sequence box.
Getting Started and Additional Information
Here’s what you need to do now, if you’ve not already done it:
Establish an account on BBO.
Make sure that your computer/tablet/device has a recent Flash version (whatever that is!). Some older devices may have problems with old Flash versions.
Click here for the BBO home page.
Click on the Login/Register button.
Establish a username & password.
Send your BBO username to me.
Enter your ACBL number if you have one.
Once you’re logged into BBO, click on “ACBL World.”
You should see a tab at the bottom of the page to update your ACBL number.
If you don’t have an ACBL number, no worries! You’ll still be able to play in our LCBC/Lima/Marion virtual BBO games.
Load money into your BBO account.
You should see a tab for BB$, Shop, etc.
Click on it and then add funds with a credit card.
I’d suggest at least $5 - $10 to start.
Find someone from one of our clubs who’ll be your partner.
In general, it should be someone who’s physically played at one of our clubs over the past 12 months.
Both you and your partner will need to be logged into BBO on Monday prior to the game to get registered. More on that in a subsequent email.
I’ve attached a pdf file with the BBO usernames that I have as of now.
Then if you’ve not already done so, try playing some of the free games with robots, or set up casual games with friends to get a little practice on BBO.
Below are some links that might also be useful.
BBO Basics. This is from my club in Naples. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW_gxiSnSFw
BBO Tutorials. Click here for several from ACBL
Our games are held at Pleasant Senior Center
1036 Owens Road West
Marion, Ohio 43302
Directions: From State Route 423, head west on Owens Road for about 1-2 miles. The Senior Center is on the right.
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